How LED Emergency Lights Help Businesses Cut on Electricity Bills?

Emergency Lighting is a vital business asset that allows work continuity by providing a backup lightning when there is a power disruption. LED technology is being used in modern emergency lighting systems because of the number of fantastic benefits they offer.

The emergency driver can support 3 hours full power lighting when electric cutting. And it cost free.

From Naips Emergency Technical, You can match every single led lamp which is from 3-300W led lamp or LED tube. The output power will be same as per the exact lighting power or half power for your optional.


Where to Use Energy Saving LED Emergency Lights?

Energy saving LED emergency lights can be used in anywhere of your business building or premise where you need or like to have lights in case of disruption of main power supply. When power cutting, you can maintain 3 hours working under the same lighting power.  This can happen to your work room, warehouse, base room, underground parking room, motor homes, marine, office building, hotel, restaurant, supermarket, shopping mall, store, parking, school, university, library, club, museum, art gallery, hospital, etc. outer or inner wherever is required. These LED lights provide uninterrupted lightning in the area or location where they are installed by switching to the in-built battery power instantly when there is a disruption in the main power supply.

 How LED Emergency Lights Help Businesses Cut on Electricity Bills?



Led emergency power pack 60w

Emergency Led Exit Wall Mounted / Recessed

Emergency Lighting Testing and Certification